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What is the fund for?

The Colorado Wolf Co-Existence Fund was created to support the long term success of the restoration program when wolves arrive in Colorado in 2023.

What will the money be used for?
The fund will be used for educational programs and increasing awareness about human-predator coexistence. 100% of the funds will be used to support non-lethal anti-predation measures to reduce conflicts between ranchers and wolves.  Non-lethal anti-predation measures include range riders, livestock dogs, hazing, fladry, improved fencing, and reducing attractants such as carcasses left in the field.  CWWC believes that there are ways to co-exist without lethal control. 

Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes. The Colorado Wolf Co-Existence Fund is an extension of Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center which is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization.

How will I know if my donation has made a difference?
You can
subscribe to our Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Centers' monthly newsletter. We will keep you updated on our progress.

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Please DONATE TODAY. Your donation is a voice for the wolves and
will help assure a successful restoration program!

Thank You!

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PO Box 713  ·  Divide, CO 80814  ·  719.687.9742

[email protected]  ·  Contact Us


Colorado Wolf & Wildlife Center

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The contents of the text, media and all photos on CWWC’s website are copyrighted and protected by law. Written permission is needed to use any of our contents. Established:1993


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