A Native American Tribe
Timber Wolf – Born May 2006
Kwahadi is the brother of Zaltana. He was one of our more inquisitive wolves and loved to be petted so much that he would put both of his front paws on your legs to keep you with him until he decided he wass finished being spoiled.
Kwahadi and Zaltana were from a back-yard breeder in Texas. The two pups were supposed to be the last she would sell to the general public. Kwahadi and Zaltana are not pets, but prime examples of wary, yet curious wolves.
Kwahadi wass best known for his beautiful howl and eyebrows that gave him a constant appearance of surprised curiosity.

Native American Meaning Sweet One
Timber Wolf – Born April 2007
Sakara was an independent, strong, sweet female wolf who lived with her brother Kekoa. She was a bit shy with humans; however, once a relationship had been established, she was a lover. Her presence was always apparent as she watched from behind a tree in the comfort of her wooded enclosure. She also hasd a strong maternal instinct and has raised her share of puppies, including Keyni, at the Center.
Sakara came to us with her brother from Seacrest Wolf Preserve in Florida.

Hawaiian meaning Noble Leader
Arctic Wolf · May 1999 - August 2015
Akela was a long, lanky, graceful and elegant Arctic wolf. She was bolder than her sister, Makah Behr, and demanded more attention. She enjoyed being brushed and loved to go on walks. She was definitely a beauty in the snow, which matched her magnificent coat. She was best known for her unusual runway model stride and her good looks. Akela and her sister Makah Behr were rescued from a Hollywood photo/film company.

Mexican Grey Wolves · Born March 2003
Rio and Cero were critically endangered Mexican Grey Wolves. They were transferred to us from the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs. The Zoo was undergoing a major construction project, so they temporarily moved these two beautiful brothers to CWWC where it was much quieter. An agreement was made so that we would be able keep and care for these wolves if an enclosure could be built to meet the Federal government's required standards due to their critically endangered status. Money was raised and their enclosure was built. Cero and Rio were given a permanent home at the center. They were the first Mexican Gray Wolves at CWWC.

Makah is Native American meaning Land
Behr was a special dog owned by Darlene
Arctic Wolf · May 1999 - February 2015
Makah’s nickname as a pup was ‘Punkin Face’ because of her round face and sweet temperament. She was on the shy side and it took her a while to accept you, if she did at all. Makah was best known for her sweet face and white fangs that hung slightly below her top lip. Makah Behr and her sister Akela were rescued from a Hollywood photo/film company.

March 2009 - March 2017
Nakai was was the male pup born from Koda’s accidental pregnancy. Although he has passed, his amazing story still resonates within us all. We call Nakai our Miracle Boy because although he and Tala were both born with metabolic bone disease, Nakai’s condition was so extreme that we were advised to put him to sleep, as it would be the most humane thing to do for him. We chose to put off that date for one more week to do more research, and that week gave us what we needed to save him with intense care and nutrition. Nakai healed from having almost no bone density to full bone density in just a matter of months. He also healed from his broken bones and was left only with his famous limp, which we nicknamed his “swagger” because it seemed to charm his mate, Princess into falling for him.

Timber Wolf · May 2003 - October 2017
Princess was an independent lone wolf. She enjoyed doing whatever she pleased without another wolf friend or mate challenging her. However, Princess did have a favorite human friend, Kim, who is a long time CWWC volunteer. They shared a special bond, which made Princess more social and less stressed.
Princess was rescued from a photo farm - a place where animals are bred for profit and either used for photography on site or sometimes sold to filmmakers and guaranteed hunt farms. Princess was best known for racing her next enclosure neighbors, Akena and Dakari (coyotes) to the top of the enclosure during feeding time.

British Columbian Wolf/Husky
May 1994 - 2010
Sabin was a proud wolf who would have surely been a professor if he was human. He was rescued from a college dorm at 3 months of age. He was fed pizza and chips and given beer to drink. He was teased with meat and locked in a bathroom while the students were in class.
Sabin was one of our last originals from the first sanctuary. He had been through 3 moves, including the evacuation from the Hayman fire in 2002. He was a close companion to Chinook, the wolf who inspired the rescue of and education about wolves from the beginning. He was best known for his proud demeanor and alpha qualities.

Native American meaning Wolf
Timber/Arctic Wolf · May 2001 - September 2016
Shunka lived with the beautiful Akela. He was laid back, but decided to retire from the limelight after being ambassador, seeing many VIP guests, and raising pups for many years.
Shunka was rescued from a wolf center in Puget Sound, Washington where the owner did not spay or neuter her animals. We had availability for two of the surplus pups, so we took brothers, Shunka and Wakanda. Shunka was best known for his massive size and beautiful eyes. He was one of the largest wolves at the sanctuary at 140 lbs.

Native American meaning Strong Willed & Independent
Timber Wolf · May 2001 - June 2016
Wakanda was a favorite for many. His massive size, yet gentle personality made him a perfect wolf for our Walk on the Wildside Tour. When you went into his enclosure, he would inspect you and your clothes, and then greet you with the best, most sincere kisses possible. He and his brother Shunka were Timber/Arctic wolf mixes.
Wakanda was best known for “stopping and smelling the roses” on his walks. He never let a single scent pass him by.

Born May 2002
Luna (left) and Star (right) are our Mexican gray wolf sisters here at the center. They retired to us from the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, KS and continue to be great ambassadors for one of the most critically endangered animals that exist today. They are known for their excited spins and prances before dinner and their elusiveness while spying on staff and volunteers working inside the enclosures.

Red Fox – April 2003
Yuma was the father of Lika, Takoda, and Nevada. He and his girlfriend Malika were two foxes that we rescued from a fur farm. Malika at the time was pregnant with her baby kits in her belly, and gave birth with us here at the Center. Unfortunately, Malika passed shortly after giving birth to her kits, as at fur farms inbreeding can cause many immune deficiencies. Yuma raised the surviving kits as a single father and did a great job of it, later passing away at the ripe old age of 15. Takoda was the only one of the three born with red fur. He was know as our “tripod” because he had one of his front legs removed in 2012 due to a degenerative disease. Lika, named in memory of her mother, was the smallest of them and had beautiful eyes and a lethal scream when she didn’t get her way. Nevada was born with an unnatural white coat of fur despite being called a "Red Fox." He was quiet, shy and laid back. He loved to watch guests from his “Skyfox Freeway” bridge.

Keara - Celtic meaning Dark Haired
Wihopa - Native American meaning Beautiful Woman
Alaskan Interior Wolf · May 2004 - Sept 6, 2020
Keara was our Alaskan Interior wolf, which is a sub-species of the Timber wolf. She was fast, springy, happy, and full of energy. Pure wolf excitement and beauty best described Keara. While she was on the shy side, she had a collection of souvenirs that she took from guests. Keara came to us from a facility in Ohio.

Akena – Japanese meaning Spring
May 2003 - January 9, 2020
Dakari – African meaning Happiness
May 2003 - February 12, 2020
Eastern Plains Coyote
Akena was a good example of a top predator. She was very independent and could survive easily without the help of anyone. She was best known for catching a meat treat in mid air from 30 feet away almost every time. She was always the first to start the wolf howl – only in coyote talk.
Dakari was a handsome coyote with a proud demeanor. He was intelligent and watchful of his surroundings.
Akena and Dakari came from a guaranteed hunt farm, where the animals are bred for sport and torture. We are thankful to have provided a better life for them—one that we could also use to teach about trophy hunting and kill-free coyote management practices.

Native American meaning Highest Mountain
Timber Wolf – May 2006 - November 26, 2020
This stunning black wolf was a photographer’s dream. She was tall and graceful, but she was more than beauty. She was fascinating to watch as she thought and evaluated situations. If a small meat treat was thrown in her enclosure, she would use all her senses to find it. She was 15 years old, but she looked and acted like she was 10. She was a beautiful, independent wolf with a personality that would surprise you. Sometimes if you sat in her enclosure, she might run her neck up and down your head and back, other times she would stalk you and at times this 15-year-old wolf would carry around a stuffed toy like it was her baby.

Hawaiian meaning Brave One
Timber Wolf – April 2007 - February 7, 2022
Kekoa was a handsome male with a sweet and gentle personality. He was often referred to as our “ladies man” due to his excitement when ladies entered his enclosure, both staff and guests. He was well-known for his thick, silver-gray mane with a striking appearance and for giving out kisses that are as big as he was.
Kekoa came from the Seacrest Wolf Preserve in Florida with his sister Sakara.

Meaning Symbolic
Timber Wolf – April 2009 - April 28, 2023
Micah was a tall, lanky wolf who was all boy, especially when it came to mud and water. He would remind you of a teenage football player that would love to tackle and play rough in the mud. However, he had a sweet side and gave persistent reminders that you had more than one hand to pet him with.
He was also nicknamed “Slurp” because he loved to gulp down water—subsequently approaching you with a drippy mouth to give you a big wet kiss.